Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working.” – John 5:17
Our Heavenly Father is at work … always. Can we see it? The Lord Jesus is also laboring on our behalf. Do we celebrate this? And what about the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son? The Spirit is also at work, encouraging, supporting, moving, challenging, convicting, reviving, sustaining, motivating, advocating, strengthening, comforting and interceding.
What abundant blessings we have been given as children of God within the Body of Christ! What glimpses of hope! What signs of Grace!
As we gather for the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Northwest Conference, it is our desire that we fix our eyes on the God of Hope … the God of Grace.
Our gathering is a time to celebrate the work of God in our midst to this very day and to consider things that are evidence of His faithfulness, past and present. We will also be anticipating His work in our lives in the future as we elect a new Superintendent and hear about ways that our shared work will continue to unfold in the years to come.
Welcome to this time of celebration and thanksgiving. Let’s recognize together the glimpses of hope and signs of grace that are right before our eyes of faith.
Mark R. Stromberg, NWC Superintendent
Dr. Donna Harris, President, Minnehaha Academy
In August 2017, a devastating gas explosion destroyed Minnehaha Academy’s upper school. Two lives were lost and many injured. In this moment of crisis, Minnehaha’s executive leadership team looked to the Lord and got to work.
Learn practical, transferable leadership principles for your ministry setting, and hear testimony of God’s faithfulness and provision through difficult times to lead this institution toward a hopeful and inspired new future.
The Friday evening offering is designated for two Youth Initiatives:
UNITE North Scholarships will help students and leaders attend this first time high school regional event sponsored by the Northwest Conference in response to the cancellation of Unite (formerly CHIC). The event will be held at Bethel University in July.
The Minnehaha Leadership Institute is in its second year and has over 120 high school and 47 middle school student participants. The Institute exists to develop student leaders who, through God’s story of redemption, are striving to become whole and holy people.
The NWC Annual Meeting evening worship services will be streamed to YouTube and available online for public viewing.
Thursday evening Ministerial Association Worship Service
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Service of communion with worship led by Covenant pastors, and testimonies from ordination candidates Chanda Winkels, Michael Baker and Evan Kolding.
Friday evening NWC Annual Meeting Worship Service
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Superintendent-nominee Rev. Kara Stromberg preaching, recognition of new churches – Midcurrent Covenant and Lakeside Covenant, and worship led by Minnehaha Academy faculty and teachers.
The Annual Meeting is the highest constituted authority in the Northwest Conference (NWC), made up of delegates from member Covenant churches throughout the Conference. Delegates gather together for worship and fellowship, and to elect leaders, review finances, adopt a budget, and address the business of the Conference.
Delegates are appointed representatives from member Covenant churches. Delegates vote on the policies and procedures presented to the Annual Meeting. Delegates receive a packet of information that includes reports, statistics, ballot information, etc. They are also given the privilege of speaking during the meeting and voicing their opinion.
Advisors: Church plants that are not yet member churches may send 2 advisors. And members in good standing of the Ministerial Association that are not delegates may also be advisors. Advisors may address the body, answer questions, and make suggestions or comments, but an advisor cannot make motions or vote.
Registered attendees may attend the Annual Meeting without officially representing a member church or a church plant that is not yet a member church. They are not allowed to voice their opinions, ask questions or vote.
Advisors and Registered Attendees should register as a Non-Delegate.
The number of delegates each church can send is based on membership as of Dec. 31, 2021.
0-49 members = 2 delegates
50-249 members = 3 delegates
250-499 members = 4 delegates
500+ members = 5 delegates
Delegates are invited to an orientation at 2 p.m. on Friday, April 29, prior to the business session. Basic Conference organizational structure and meeting protocol will be reviewed.
Registration can be done online or by mail.
4 p.m.: Registration (Ministerial Association)
5:15 p.m.: Dinner
6:30 p.m.: Worship & Communion
7:45 p.m.: Fellowship
8:30 a.m.: Worship
9 a.m.: Ministerial Association Business Session
Noon: Lunch
1 p.m.: Q&A with Superintendent Nominee
2 p.m.: New Delegate Orientation
2:30 p.m.: NWC Business Session
5:15 p.m.: Dinner
6:30 p.m.: Worship
8 p.m.: Reception
8:30 a.m.: Worship
9 a.m.: NWC Business Session
10:30 a.m.: Trusting the Good Shepherd: God’s Leading Through the Valley
11:30 a.m.: Lunch