What is the Northwest Conference?

The Northwest Conference is comprised of roughly 140 Evangelical Covenant Churches in MN, ND, SD, western WI, and northern IA. These churches come in all shapes and sizes. They are urban, ethnic, town & country and suburban.

Ministry Priorities



Congregational Vitality is a result of the living God breathing new life into the heart of a congregation.

Vitality is the wind of the Spirit … “a rushing wind so wild and strong,” as the old hymn goes. Our role is to raise our sails and catch this wind.

Vitality is nothing less than a spiritual awakening in Christ. It is not about sustaining and maintaining; it’s about thriving, growing and depending on God to lead us deeper in Christ and further in mission.

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Church Planting is a Biblical pattern for mission. Your church is part of a rich history. It was started at one point in time. And because it was, each of you has been touched. So have untold others through the years.

Now we have the opportunity to do for others what others first did for us. We can take the same spirit that founded our existing congregations and establish other congregations committed to living out the hope of Jesus Christ in word and deed.

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The goal of NWC Children, Youth & Family Ministries is to promote shared growth in our churches by offering strategic training, support and resources for those serving in these ministry areas.

The Northwest Conference also collaborates with local churches to create events that directly impact children and youth.

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ECC Newswire

Spiritual Lessons: “Children, Go Where I Send Thee”

As part of his series on Negro spirituals, Jelani Greenidge breaks down the spiritual and cultural power of a song that has transcended generations.

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Leaders Who See

When the world feels overwhelming, the church should be a place of refuge—but are our leaders truly equipped to guide communities through pain and healing? Dieula Previlon calls faith leaders to reclaim their role as agents of healing by prioritizing emotional well-being, recognizing societal struggles, and embracing trauma-informed ministry.

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Week of February 9, 2025

A devotional guide written by Covenanters, the Covenant Home Altar invites us to take time in our day for God’s word, quiet meditation, and prayer.

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Welcoming the Stranger: A Covenant Tradition

The Covenant Church began as an immigrant community, shaping our legacy of hospitality. In today’s climate, how can we honor this history and reaffirm our call to welcome?

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Spiritual Lessons with Rollo Dilworth

In honor of Black History Month, Jelani interviews Rollo Dilworth on the significance of Negro spirituals.

The post Spiritual Lessons with Rollo Dilworth appeared first on The Evangelical Covenant Church.