As you are no doubt aware, our beloved Northwest Conference school, Minnehaha Academy, experienced a horrific explosion at its Upper School facility on Wednesday, Aug. 2.
Tragically, two employees, Ruth Berg and John Carlson, were killed as a result. A number of other faculty and staff members were also injured. This included the loss of a leg by custodian and assistant soccer coach, Bryan Duffey.
Minnehaha has been such a positive influence on so many within the Northwest Conference as well as within the entire Covenant Church, and beyond. Thus, as Superintendent, I am declaring the month of October to be “Minnehaha Academy Month” in our region.
We know that on the front end of any tragedy, many people rally around to lend support. However, we also know that, in time, many move on to other things. This leaves the primary burden on those who are most directly part of the Minnehaha community, primarily administration and faculty members.
Therefore, the offering collected will provide resources to be utilized at the discretion of school leadership. These funds may be for such things as classroom supplies or faculty assistance. The funds may also help cover other unanticipated and indirect needs as a result of the explosion and subsequent relocation.
If ever there was a time to show our collective support for one of our most historic and life-changing ministries, it is now!
Thank you ahead of time for your willingness to be a blessing to those that help make M.A. a place where Christian faith and learning continue to be joined together. Download your Minnehaha Academy Sunday resources below.
Superintendent Mark R. Stromberg
Minnehaha Academy Month Letter from Superintendent PDF
Minnehaha Sunday Bulletin Insert (2-up) PDF
Minnehaha Sunday Slide (1920 x 1080) JPEG
Minnehaha Academy Month Damage Presentation PPT
To read a detailed story on the explosion, a reflection from MA President Donna Harris, and several follow-up stories on the journey forward for the school, download MA Magazine – Fall 2017 Story. Page 5 of the PDF features a sidebar called “Counting Our Blessings” that could be used in Minnehaha Academy Month services.